Seated L to R - Sgt. Jack Weaver (USA/WWII), SP5 Harry Murphy (USA/Vietnam), Sgt. Harry Plows (USA/WWII), Sgt. Sam Ritchey (USAF/Korea), SP1 Phil Col(USA/post-Vietnam), Chuck Yarnell (USAF) and PFC Sam Black (USA/Korea). Not pictured: Sgt. Mark Augustine (USA/Desert Storm).
Standing L to R - John Foy (VVA Chapter 967), Lloyd Peck (Armed Forces Day Committee), Bob Corman (VFW Bellefonte), Steve Ackers (VVA Chap. 967), Jim Chandler (40&8 Port Matilda), Steve Cunningham (Tres, PCVFC Station 23), Joe Dennis Jr. (pres., PCVFC Station 23), Ray Glass (Blair Cnty. Vets Honor Guard), Terence Mosey (EMT/Station 23), Calvin Neidimeyer (firefighter/ Station 23), Denny Macfarland (firefighter/Station 23), Jackie Weaver (district pres., American Legion Auxiliary), PFC Jane Black (USA/Vietnam), Pattie Stowell (Hospital Rep ALA VAMC), Andy Stowell (adjutant, American Legion Post 424) and Denny Shaw (firefighter/Station 23). Not pictured: Tiffany Shaw (ALA Unit 424 behind Jane Black).
Armed Forces Day is celebrated with many different activities for our veterans. This Armed Forces Day was just a little more special for some of those veterans. Some of the long-term residents at the James E. VanZandt VA Medical Center received a special outing in honor of their service to our country.
Pattie Stowell, American Legion Auxiliary hospital representative for the center, had obtained special permission through Recreation Co-Coordinator Jean Marie Walter to be able to bring the veterans out to play bingo sponsored by Pinecroft Volunteer Fire Company, Altoona, Pa. The veterans were assisted at this special occasion by Jean Marie and her staff, members of the fire company, Jackie Weaver District, President American Legion Auxiliary, Tiffany Shaw, ALA Unit 424, Andy Stowell, American Legion, Bob Corman, Veterans of Foreign Wars Bellefonte, Jim Chandler 40&8 Port Matilda, John Foy and Steve Ackers Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 967, Ray Glass Blair County Veterans Honor Guard, and Lloyd Peck Chairman Armed Forces Day Committee.
The veterans were greeted by fire company officials and bingo players. Fire Company President Joe Dennis Jr. announced each veteran and distinguished guest's name, rank and era. All were welcomed with a round of applause. Pinecroft hosts bingo every Wednesday and Saturday night, and the veterans are looking for another trip there to play again. A good time was had by all veterans and volunteers.
The veterans were treated to dinner before playing bingo. The kitchen staff - Kinney Frye, Denny McFarland, Arjay Mathews and Zach Cunningham - did a great job taking care of the veterans and the players.
Many thanks go out to all the volunteers who make the lives of our veterans so meaningful, as well as to the Pinecroft Volunteer Fire Company Station 23 for honoring those who have served this great country by giving them a night out.