The award presentation at the post. From left to right are Richard Blum, Scott Smith, Mike Juskow, Sue Juskow and A.J. Reynolds. Missing from all pictures is Moe Leblanc, who has been our lead fundraiser for the past seven years.


Wolcott Post 881 holds annual Memorial Golf Tournament

Wolcott, NY

Wolcott Post 881 reports another banner year for the annual Memorial Golf Tournament, held at Port Bay Golf Club on Sept. 14. 104 golfers enjoyed an 18-hole scramble on a beautiful day. Although half of the proceeds are used for upkeep and to renovate our facility, the other half is donated to worthy veteran-related causes. Three major recipients received awards this year, plus a special fund was set up to help veterans in our community in need of temporary assistance.
Mike Juskow and his wife Sue, associated with the Cicero American Legion, personally sponsor the Fair Haven Wounded Warrior and Veterans Appreciation Weekend. In conjunction with a large group of charter captains, veterans from area Legion posts are selected to enjoy a day of fishing on Lake Ontario, a parade in their honor, dinner the night before, breakfast the morning of and a banquet after the fishing. There is a wide array of prizes, gift packages and awards to be given out. No one goes home empty-handed. Our donation to Mike and Sue will help them carry on this great program
A strong bond has been formed between our Post 881 and the Cicero post, who are very interested in fashioning their golf tournament after ours to enhance their profitability.
This year the golf team decided to support the Fisher House with the proceeds from our tournament. The Fisher House Foundation builds and operates comfort homes where military veteran families can stay free of charge while a loved one is in the hospital. There are currently two Fisher House locations in New York State, one in the Bronx and one in Albany. There are approximately 98 in the United States, not including many in other countries such as the UK, Australia, Germany and Canada. This foundation has saved veterans and their families an estimated $610 million in out-of-pocket costs for lodging and transportation. The Fisher House also operates programs called Hotels for Heroes and Hero Miles, whereby people can donate their frequent flier miles and hotel points, providing a way for loved ones to travel and help with some of their lodging costs. We were advised that our donation of $2,030 would provide 200 days' lodging for veterans’ loved ones. We are very proud to support their mission.
Sen. Mike Nozzolio and Doug Logan visited our post last week to receive a donation for Friends of NY State Veteran Cemetery Finger Lakes. Our $1,000 will help toward the replacement of the main gate to Sampson National Military Cemetery.

Left to right: Chip Rayno, Doug Logan, Mike Nozzolio, Roger Pritchard, Richard Blum, Scott Smith and A.J. Reynolds.
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