The American Legion Post 26 in Minot, N.D., has in the past year been visiting veterans in nursing Homes and assisted living facilities on a monthly basis. We provide monthly veterans programs such as Four Chaplains memorial service, Medal of Honor memorial service, Memorial Day ceremony, flag burning ceremony, Purple Heart memorial service, POW/MIA memorial service, Veterans Day ceremony, and Pearl Harbor memorial service.
Other programs include Bingo, Not-So Newlywed Game, Veterans Got Talent USO Show. This year we have added five new homes giving us six homes per month. During our visits we have found not only veterans living there, but residents who have had a family member serve in the Armed Forces.
The activity directors have been very pleased with us coming to conduct this program, as this was the only program that they did not have along with other community programs that are provided by churches, schools and other organizations. We are hoping to extend this program to get our members and non-member veterans to contact one veterans from each of the six homes and visit with them on a one on one. Taking them out for coffee and fellowshipping with them.
I had shared with the activity directors that if one veteran from the outside would visit one of your veterans, and you stand somewhere out of site to listen in on their conversation, you would be surprised in the conversation between the two veterans. You would think they found their long lost buddy.
Our post continues to help our veterans know that we thank them for their service, through our monthly visitation.