The LaVerne W. Anderson American Legion Post 729 in Sheridan, Illinois, has annually supported the Veterans Home in LaSalle, Illinois. This past year we discovered the home was in great need for bed transfer slings to get the residents out of bed each morning.
There were 58 residents who needed the sling while there were only eight available. There were no funds to purchase additional slings.
Post 729 was determined to help. We designated all our fundraisers for this project, and asked other organizations including other Legion posts in the 12th District in Illinois to participate.
In early November of this year Post 729 gave a check to the Illinois Veterans Home in LaSalle, Illinois, for $7,054.40. This was less than what was needed to complete the project, but with donations from other organizations and Legion posts that sent their donations directly, the project was completed.
This is a good example of many hands working together. This was truly a quality of life issue. Many stepped up to assist in this worthwhile project. The picture attached is Post 729 Adjutant Robert H. Borchsenius handing the check to Susan Scully, director of Volunteer Services at the Veterans Home in LaSalle, Illinois.