Thanks to donations by post members, as well as proceeds from a recent pancake breakfast fundraiser, Women Veterans of Southwest Missouri, American Legion Post 1214 was able to donate 162 yards of fabric and 14 rolls of batting to the Ozarks Piecemakers Quilt Guild's "Quilts of Valor" (QOV) program in Springfield, Mo. Locally, the Quilts of Valor program has been in existence four years and to date has provided 375 quilts for veterans in Southwest Missouri.
"This material and batting will allow us to continue to honor our veterans for at least another year," said QOV Chairman Connie Bradford. To learn more about this program, go to
To connect with a Quilts of Valor program in your area, visit the Quilts of Valor Foundation at This program operates coast to coast in all 50 states. Nationally, over 194,000 quilts have been made and donated to veterans.