District 22 Service Officer Receives Mobilized Scooter


Department of California collaborates to assist District 22 service officer

San Diego , CA

When American Legion Post 23 Commander James JD Bennett contacted Department of California American Legion Area 5 Communications and Media Chairman Mary Jane Fisher to assist a family friend in her area, she did not hesitate to assist them.
The widow of a retired sergeant major wanted to donate a scooter to a veteran in need. Fisher, a veteran service specialist in San Diego County, had one person in mind to receive the scooter.
American Legion District 22 Service Officer Sunny Farrand had recently been released from the San Diego VA hospital and may benefit by receiving the scooter, she told Bennett.
Right away Fisher contacted her center of influence, and immediately had a response from Post 364 Commander Robyn Nolan. She stated that she had received a response to a social media post from a veteran willing to pick up and deliver the scooter to Farrand.
“Finding a vehicle that had a ramp or lift was a challenge,” Nolan said, but that didn’t stop her. She rented a truck and had the driver deliver the scooter within 3 hours to the veteran in need!
Thank you everyone for stepping up and making today a special day for Sunny!

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