Ripley, Ohio, American Legion Post 367 Commander Marion Sidwell, and President Kathy Rice of the Post 367 Auxiliary, responded positively to the request made by Brown County Veterans Service Office Commissioner Jane Griffin for assistance with stocking the Veterans Food Pantry. Griffin led the food pantry drive on Saturday, July 11, and co-teamed the effort with four organizations: Post 367, Post 367 Auxiliary, Post 367 Sons of The American Legion (SAL) and the Ripley-Lieutenant Byrd Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) chapter.
The drive was a huge success and resulted in over 2,500 pounds of supplies being donated. Veterans Service Office Executive Director Cheryl Childers opened the food pantry for veterans two years ago. The food pantry typically helps four to 15 veterans a day. Without the support of our community, the pantry would not exist. A big thanks to all our volunteers from the four groups who supported this drive, and to our community members who came out and dropped off food and supplies for our veterans.