Aug. 28. at O'Dark 200 a.m., Riders from the Douglas M. Lyons (Dover, Tenn.) Legion Riders Chapter 72 and members of the Legion Family, along with riders from Oak Grove Riders Chapter 233, Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association TN Chapter 18-2, and a few Stewart County residents, met at Anglin Funeral home in Dover to honor and pay tribute to Ronald E. Rosser, Medal of Honor recipient, for his final journey home to McLuney, Ohio. An honor flag line was conducted on Donelson Parkway as a Tennessee state trooper and the veterans motorcycle escort (16 motorcycles) accompanied Rosser and his family to the Nashville airport. No matter the time, the date, the hour or weather, veterans are always there to honor our fallen comrades and their families in their time of need. Our condolences and sympathies to the Rosser family.
(Photo credit: Dover Post 72)