Cindy Stephens form freedompantry4veterans has partnered with American Legion Family Post 130 in Zillah, Wash. Working together does make a different, and our veterans and community do get the support they need.
The Post 130 family partnered with Freedom Pantry for Veterans of Yakima and assisted them in food-box distribution to veterans, veterans' families and community families throughout Yakima County who are in need.
From February to August 2021, we attended 10 food-box events. Nine Legionnaires, Riders and Sons members attended the food-box giveaways and spent 4-6 hours per event setting up and distributing food-boxes, frozen meat and fresh vegetables. Our post also participated in Yakima Stand Down at the Sun Dome in October 2021 in Yakima that distributed 1,000 premade food boxes, 1000 lbs. of meat or fish, and 1000 lbs. of vegetables and eggs. We are also scheduled to attend On Oct. 22, 2022.
From September 2021 to April 2022, we attended nine food-box events.
So far, this event has had an average of nine American Legion Family members help distribute 6.250 boxes of food equaling 204,800 lbs. of food. Working together to “Make a Difference Each Day” has proven to be a great asset to the community.
Dale L. Spurlock, PUFL AL
Director, Legion Riders Post 130, Zillah, Wash.