Post 178 members successfully distributed poppies on National Poppy Day at two locations: Lowe’s in Little Elm, Texas, and the Frisco Gun Club in Frisco, Texas. Rita Anderson, Poppy Day Committee co-chair, said, “Both locations were very supportive partners that helped ensure our success.”
Utilization of the two locations began in early May when Fred Rogers, immediate past commander, and Ed Reed, vice commander-public relations, initiated contact. Rogers said, “It did not really take much selling on our part to get their agreement to participate. They are both great supporters of our veteran community.”
Post 178 members staffed a table near the exits and asked customers leaving the locations to wear a red poppy to honor the fallen and support the living who had worn our nation’s uniform. Members explained that the red poppy is a nationally recognized symbol of sacrifice worn by Americans since World War I to honor those who served and died for our country in all wars. Many individuals recognized the sacrifices made by our veterans while protecting our freedoms. As a result, the vast majority gladly accepted a poppy.
All donations received will be used by Post 178 for their programs that support veterans, the military community and their families.