Rich Yndestad is a US Army veteran and a member of American Legion Post 43 in Naperville, IL. He is Post 43's Bugler, and also a member of Bugles Across America. A volunteer organization that provides live Buglers to sound Taps for Military Honors and veterans funerals. Rich also volunteers as a Bugler at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Elwood, IL. He has been doing this volunteer work for over four years now, and has sounded Taps over 1270 times. Rich says, "It is my honor to sound Taps for my fellow veterans!" This Veterans Day week, he has made Taps presentations at two elementary schools in Naperville, IL, and has also sounded Taps at Northern Illinois University and for the Gold Star families at the Vietnam Moving Wall in Aurora, IL. On November 16, Rich will be sounding Taps along with 100 other Buglers at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington DC. This event is a special ceremony to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the sounding of Taps at the funeral of President John F. Kennedy by Army Bugler Keith Clark.