Each year, Doris French Elementary School invites Veteran from Paradise Post 149 and other organizations, to join them for a Veterans Day celebration with the students. The school puts on a musical tribute for the students and Veterans, before we head to the classroom to talk with the children. You never know what to expect going into class, because they are inquisitive and want to know a lot of things about Veterans.
"How does it feel to be a Veteran?" Or' "What did you do in the war?"
Wow, how do you plan for questions like that? You have to quick on your feet and understand the innocence of the questions.
Afterwards, the staff provided us with a wonderful pot-luck Veterans Day luncheon. This is proof that there is still a lot of patriotism and appreciation for what we do in service to country. As Legionnaires, we continue to service our community, state and nation.