I did my time in Vietnam, but to this day I cannot get the country or the people out of my head. I still have ties to the country. I happen by this by accident one night. I have been teaching the children in Vietnam English online 7 nights a week. I don't get paid for it, I just do it for the kids and the people.
When I was a Nam I treated the people the way I was brought up, with respect, and they treated me the same way. I look at it this way, it is my way of giving back to them for the way they treated me. My "Friends" have asked me to come back many times and they would show me around the country today and we could sit and have a beer. Many time the kids or people just need someone to talk to or just a friend. I have helped a few get past problems in their lives. I have a few kids who Graduated from medical school to be a doctor and one to be a nurse. One of my kids just finished Law School in Hanoi. They are great kids with so much talent as singers, artists, Models Actress and Business owners also.
I am there for the kids and my friends every night without fail to talk with them or just to help with their school work. It has help to save my life after my Heart Attack a few years back. I was left with 25% of my heart dead and didn't know what to do with my life anymore, when this came up by accident. Just a way to give back to people thousands of miles away.