Thanksgiving in a any town but particularly in a small town it brings families and the community together. American Legion Seward Post 5, in a town of a little over 2600, brought out their best with our volunteers. These volunteers donated their time on Thanksgiving Day to help prepare and serve others in the community. The Seward Post 5 American Legion Family delivered meals to about 75 people in town who were unable to drive or were homebound and those folks who were working at the stores who remained open on the holiday, emergency services (police & hospital) and of course all those who keep good care of our critters at the Sea Life Center Animal that performs arctic marine animal rescue and rehabilitation..
Our post welcomed all who came to to share in our Thanksgiving meal at the post. We served about 80 or so folks who wanted a hearty and tasty meal. It was a wonderful family time with not only our American Legion membership but others in the community. Good comments on the food and fellowship were made by all. One comment in particular stood out that we need to do more of these gatherings as it gets old friends out who otherwise are so busy in their own lives that they don't see each other that often. Good advice from a long time Sewardite to slow down, share a meal and reconnect with what is important - friendship and service.
We will most definitely be doing this on Christmas so stay tuned!