American Legion Post 416 in North San Diego County, District 22, provided dozens of military and veteran families with free food vouchers during their Cooking Oil Giveaway last week..
The VA&R committee has been collaborating with Lamb of God Food Pantry to support community outreach events sponsored by Holiness Ministries Coalition, Inc.
Dr. Foley Parker, a Marine Vietnam veteran and bishop at Holiness Ministries Coalition, called together a task force, realizing that there are thousands of military and veteran food-insecure families. He is collaborating with numerous American Legion posts that would like to stock a food pantry for veterans in need throughout North County San Diego.
Oceanside City Councilwoman Ester Sanchez and American Legion Department of California Commander-elect Ed Grimsley attended to show their support of the community outreach.
The San Diego North County Blue Star Mothers and American Legion recruiters were set up to answer questions and offer their support and assistance. Marines volunteered from Camp Pendleton.
“There needs to be more community involvement with our veterans supporting one another. I encourage all posts to network and share resources to support one another,” said Grimsley.