Today it is estimated that 37 million Americans go hungry each and every day. There are distinct differences between how hunger is experienced in rural and urban settings. Rural counties experience high food insecurity rates twice as often as urban counties. It has been reported that approximately 3 million rural households are food-insecure, which is equal to 15 percent of the total population of rural households. This reflects the fact that 7.5 million people in rural regions live below the federal poverty line. This poverty in rural communities is more commonly found in southern states. The prevalence of food insecurity is found to be highest in principal cities (13.2%), high in rural areas (12.7) and lowest in suburban and other metropolitan areas (non-principal cities) (8.9%). This could possibly display the poor infrastructure within rural and downtown areas in cities, where jobs may be scarce, or display a central reliance on a mode of transit which may come at additional cost.
The food was provided by the Canton Rotary Program and Cherokee County Homeless Veterans Program which is part of American Legion Thomas M. Brady Post 45 in Canton. The Unit 45 Auxiliary provided the manpower and planning to get the food into the hands of veterans in need and those with families. The program consisted of a two-pronged delivery in that much of the food was set up for pickup at Post 45, while a second prong consisted of food delivery outreach to veterans and families that did not have transportation to get to the Legion post.
"We were able to complete the whole program of food delivery within three hours," noted Jim Lindenmayer, Post 45 service officer and director of the Cherokee County Homeless Veteran Program. "We could not have done this as well as we did if it were not for Unit 45 President Betty Lewis and her team, as they did outreach calls and kept track of deliveries throughout the program."