American Legion Post 34, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 34, Coos Bay Elks 1160, Voiture 316 of the 40/8, and the Boy Scouts of Troop 156 and parents chose April 15-16 to be their Earth Day 2022. This joint endeavor was put into reality and with the help of both Coos Bay and North Bend, these volunteers cleaned up various streets, including parking lots and planters. The desire to have a clean community was behind this project. We have noticed, as many have, lots of trash being left around our communities and with the budget issues our cities are experiencing which includes staffing to pick up trash, it was time for our organizations to step up and help. We hope to make this an annual event, but if it’s necessary we will come together and clean up whenever it’s needed. This is where we live; we are proud of our cities and we want the cleanliness of our community to be what visitors notice, not the trash. Thank you to Coos Bay and North Bend for your support of this event and to the volunteers who gave their time to make Oregon’s Bay Area a great place to live.