Colorado Detachment Sergeant-at-Arms Teddy Kuntz (Firestone Squadron 1985) received the National American Legion Auxiliary Good Deed Award for his project "Heal the Children" for the children affected in the Marshall Fire that devastated several communities in northern Colorado. He wants to thank all the members, units, posts, squadrons, and community members and members from other states who donated to help the children heal. He was super excited that National American Legion Auxiliary President Kathy Daudistel and National Children & Youth Chairman Trish Ward signed the certificate, he said "Mom, I know them." Thank you all.
Betty Pickett, of American Legion Auxiliary Unit 68 in Brush, Colo., and his aunt were able to present him with the award on behalf of the American Legion Auxiliary.
Thank you to the American Legion Family for helping with my project, "Heal the Children." Your generosity has helped many children who were victims of the Marshall Fire. The donation total is more than $12,000 of items (I am sure way more), $600 in gift cards and $1,200 in cash, so far. We are going to find out specific needs to get what they need.
Special thank you to ALA and VFW Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 18, Unit 25, Unit 68, Post 206, and the American Legion Family at my Post 1985 - oh yeah, and my mom for supporting and helping. We have received items for many community members, friends, others not listed and family. Donations have been dropped off in my mom's car, and Post 1985's service officer, Ric Payne, has help to transport a horse trailer full of items to Louisville Post 111 for distribution. Donations will be needed for a long time.
Thank y0u, everyone, for helping to heal the children.