In honor of Women's History Month, hire a women Veteran - get a great worker and reverse the trends.

Phoenix, AZ

Despite the unrelenting war on talent, highly capable female Veteran talent is often overlooked because civilian hiring authorities do not understand how to translate military occupations into civilian jobs or distinctions of military culture and job seekers are reluctant to self identify as Veterans due to prevailing societal misconceptions.

With 15% of the armed forces being female, it’s not surprising that only 27% of women Veterans feel the general public understands the contributions of women in the military and that post-military transition is harder on women than men. Research from Syracuse University’s Institute for Veterans and Military Families reports, “Among the top transition challenges women Veterans face include: 55% struggle to find a job, 38% say socializing into civilian culture is challenging and 37% have difficulty translating their skills into the civilian job market.” Not only does their unemployment consistently lag behind male Veterans, it takes female Veterans three months longer to find employment than men. Employment data indicates that women veterans’ employment patterns appear much more like that of civilian women than male veterans and that their military experiences seem to be of less value in the job market. For example, although women are filling technical positions in the military, they don’t appear to be able to capitalize on that experience in the private sector in the same way as men.
Do these things to hire G.I. “Jane:” Use Military Skills Translators, understand military culture and learn Veteran-hiring fundamentals at Veteran Talent Academy “Basic Training.”
Retired LtCol Kathy Gallowitz grew up as a Navy ‘brat’ and served nearly 30 years as an Air Force Officer. She is the author of Beyond ‘Thank You For your Service,’ The Veteran Champion Handbook for Civilians and has masters degrees in Nursing and Political Science. As an award-winning businesswoman with first-hand experience hiring Veterans, Kathy consults with and trains employers to find, hire, retain and leverage Veterans’ skillsets.
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