The American Legion Department of Oklahoma has created an all-women veteran color guard.
LeBron American Legion Post 58 in Guthrie was the location for ESA Kappa Theta Guthrie’s 2nd Annual Salute to Veterans & Families ceremony, where the Department of Oklahoma’s All Women Veteran Color Guard presented our nation’s colors. From L to R: Lisa Smith, Post 58, Guthrie, Esther Coker, Post 450, Ochelata, Alice Buzby, Post 58, Guthrie, and Briana Murray, Post 58, Guthrie. Members not in attendance: Karen Cruice, Post 17, Sand Springs, Lisa Milner, Post 1, Tulsa, and Kim Vincent, Post 58, Guthrie. Post 17 provides the gear. Legionnaire/Coordinator Joseph Meyer, Post 1, Tulsa, started this team to honor his mother, who was a veteran.