Merchant Marines: "We deliver the goods."
It takes no stretch of the imagination as to why the Merchant Marines had that slogan.
Furthermore, it takes little research to understand why The American Legion decided to adopt World War II Merchant Marines into their membership. These young men were sailing troops, munitions and aide across the Atlantic during a time when German U-boats were sending them to the bottom of the Atlantic....regularly.
Did you know that Merchant Marines had one of the highest war casualty rates in World War II? The loss was staggering. Just read the book "Heroes in Dungarees," and try not to have nightmares.
With all this said, I'd like to introduce my father, Lewis J De Pietro. When he turned 17, he joined the Merchant Marines and worked his way from the deck, to fireman, and to the engine room. Every job got more dangerous and relied on the U.S. Navy convoy system to keep him from sudden death.
He was my father, and I loved him. I am proud to keep his memory alive.
James De Pietro
Historian of SAL, Squadron 133
Woodbury, NJ