Ray joined the NJNG when he was 18. Troop B was a mounted unit housed in the Red Bank, N.J., armory. There were 60 horses in the armory. It had a dirt floor for drill and competition and rodeos. Ray's horse was Bingo. For 10 years Ray rode Bingo to Sea Girt and Fort Dix for training.
After Dec 7, 1941, all 60 members became active Army and were deployed worldwide. Ray was assigned to the 760 MP BN out of Fort Riley, Kan. Riley was the home of the US Cav. Bingo and the other 59 mounts stayed in Red Bank.
From Riley Ray was sent to the Panama Canal. Japanese and Germans were trying to blow up the canal. It was Ray's job to seek out the enemy and return them to camps in the USA.
The 760th was successful in capturing dozens of saboteurs. They were returned on troop ships to New Orleans for processing. POWs were kept below deck while GIs stayed on the top deck. Japanese and German subs followed ships to New Orleans. In New Orleans POWs were put on trains to camps in Texas and other states. Only one state did not have a POW camp: Vermont.
Ray returned to Red Bank in late 1945 and raised two kids and 5 grandkids. On Sept. 10, 2001, he was in Atlantic City playing poker and blackjack. On Sept. 12, he asked me to take him to the NJNG so he could re-enlist. Always a trooper. He passed Nov. 7, 2002.