A goal is a guidepost we ought to reach by a designated time, or within a certain timeframe. I have now walked 2,100 miles these past two years since The American Legion launched the 100 Miles for Hope campaign in August 2020. My goal is to reach the distance from Boston to Seattle (3,000 miles), by walking 4-5 miles a day.
I reached 2,100 miles on July 7, the anniversary of my ordination as a gospel minister. During that evening worship service in 1976 at First Baptist Church of Dallas, I had the privilege to stand at a historic pulpit to share my testimony of how God called me into ministry. This pulpit was where many renowned pastors like Dr. George Truett and Dr. W.A. Criswell proclaimed the gospel. Criswell’s preaching and guidance impacted my pastoral vision. My goal was to stay at one church for as long as I can to serve the Lord. Eventually, my wife and I established a church of our own, which we shepherded until our retirement in 2011.
What is your personal goal in life? To reach a goal, we must focus on it with endurance and determination. Do not give up on your goal just because it is harder than you thought. The Bible speaks of famous figures of faith who lived as “strangers and exiles on the earth,” with the goal of reaching a better country, their home in heaven (Hebrews 11:13-16). They pressed onward with the help of their God. One day we will come to the end of this life journey. When Jesus asks you what you have done for Him, what will be your answer? Will He be able to call you a good and faithful servant? Let’s be faithful to reach our goal to honor Christ and His kingdom.