Post 53 ACES, American Legion Baseball team, Buckeye, Ariz.


American Legion Baseball returns to Post 53 (Buckeye, Ariz.) after nearly 25 years

Buckeye, AZ

On Aug. 3, 2024, American Legion Post 53 held an appreciation lunch and presented certificates to the Post 53 ACES Baseball team for their the first AL Baseball team in Buckeye in nearly 25 years!
There were several who helped get the ball rolling since 2021 to see a team get started again for Post 53, which has a deep history of community support for this youth sport program. Buckeye has grown from a small agricultural town to one of the fastest-growing cities in the country over the past 20 years.
Bringing back AL Baseball to the community was well received by Buckeye natives who grew up playing Legion Baseball, as well as helped to raise awareness that a once dying post in Buckeye has come back to life and offers many programs to support veterans, military families, youth and the community. A big thank-you to the players who played with heart despite the hot temperatures, the volunteer coaches who dedicated their time and energy to mentor these youth, the parents who drove to Yuma, Tucson or wherever they played, and to the Post 53 Family that supported them along the way!

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