My American Legion experience was extremely rewarding. Our San Diego Post 492 baseball team made it to the finals at Yakima, Wash. We lost our first game, but made a comeback and won four straight to become national champs. I was fortunate to be named the 1954 American Legion Player of the Year. The following year in July 18, 1955, in Cooperstown, N.Y., I was presented with my scroll attesting me to be the Player of the Year in 1954. Even today I’m involved with the American Legion Baseball program here in San Diego County. In fact, tomorrow I drive to San Marcos, 40 miles north of San Diego, to attend an American Legion golf charity tournament. I’m also a member of the Sons of The American Legion and The American Legion. I served two years in the Marine Corps.
So my American Legion experience has been very positive.
Billy Capps
Semper Fi