I enlisted during the fall of 1969. Being a planer by nature I wanted to get through basic training before the cold winter of Missouri hit. Being underage, I talked my Dad into consenting and off to Fort Leonard Wood I went.
Toward the end of basic, the Drill Instructors were really picking up the pace. Each day ran into the next with the end goal of graduation becoming closer. After one particular grueling day, which was of course very cold and rainy, we were in formation as usual for mail call.
I never received mail so my mind was on getting dismissed and heading to the barracks for a hot shower, then I realized my name was being called. I briefly thought what had I done, then a piece of mail was being passed back to me.
The mail was in no particular order so I didn't give it to much thought until my name was called again. Everyone was looking at me like what was going on after having my name called out at least a half dozen more times I finally realized it was my 18th birthday! Everyone was laughing at me that I could forget my own birthday!
Since that time I have never received so many birthday cards, truly a day to remember.