In 1953 I was in College and received a Direct Commission. When I received the commission I was told, "The information on training would soon follow."
The next thing I received was a TWX informing me that I had been ordered to Active Duty and was to report to Ft Ben for training within 4 days.
Being a responsible citizen, I rushed to a local Army Navy Store, purchased a package of what I was told were the necessary parts of my uniform.
Having faith in my Government, I went to the airport purchased a one way ticket and the next morning left for Ft Ben. On arrival, a kindly Sergeant at the gate, took me to the Billeting Office, got me quarters and dropped me off.
I went to the assigned room, unpacked all of the things, uniform and brass, and realized I had know idea how this all fit together. While staring at this, in absolute panic, a kindly WO walking by the room noticed my state and asked if he could be of help. Practically falling on my knees I begged, Please.
In a few minutes the proper uniform problem was solved and he inquired about my interest in some dinner. Since I was in my uniform for the first time, it seemed the appropriate step.
Going up the steps to the Officers Club, we encountered a Major coming down who exchanged salutes with the WO but me, having no idea what to do, I tipped my hat. The Major continued on his way shaking his head and mumbling something about 2nd Lieutenants. The WO officer told me immediately after dinner we would retire to the BOQ for some serious close order drill and instructions in Military courtesy and so ended my first day of 30 years in the US Army.