Short note from former drill sergeant, 1973, Fort Jackson, S.C., 4th Plat, C Co, 5th Bn, 1st BCT Brigade. The 1SG asked me to stop by 3rd platoon and tell that platoon’s senior drill to report to the orderly room. When I opened the door, the 3rd Plt drill sergeant was giving serious “on-the-spot counseling” to a young trainee standing on the bottom step of the stairway to the second floor. I waited while the counseling was ongoing. I noticed a second trainee standing directly behind the young man being corrected. After about a minute we noticed the second trainee trying to hide his crying. Third platoon drill asked him what in ##** was he crying about. Trainee answered, “I don’t know, Drill Sergeant, but I know I’m next.”
Both of us were shocked into silence and we just looked at each other. The trainees were ordered to move out. As soon as they left, two drill sergeants started laughing like two complete idiots. We kept laughing until his platoon returned from chow. Who said drill sergeants don’t have a sense of humor?
PS: Forgot to tell him 1SG wanted to see him, which led to another counseling session led by the company’s senior NCO. Not pleasant.
Clifton Owen, 1SG (ret.), Concord, Ga.