Blue Highway Warriors is, in part, a tribute to the generosity of The American Legion. The Bike Trip America team started their cross-country in Warrenton, Ore., and were hosted for lunch by the hometown Astoria, Ore., Legion Hall as part of their sendoff. The Seaside Legion Riders led a motorcade through Astoria, then saw the team head eastward with their end goal two months away.
Bike Trip America visited some American Legion chapters that had only a handful of members, in towns so small they barely showed up on maps. At other times, they found themselves being feted in halls with hundreds of guests, and a "pie auction" that netted nearly $5,000 in donations for Operation Comfort Warriors.
On their journey, they spent long hours cycling across parts of America they had only imagined, and found a rich tapestry of landscapes and people.
Follow the journey and be inspired.
The book is available at