In June 1968 the temperature at Lackland AFB had soared into the upper 90's. We were issued jungle helmets to keep the sun off us while we did our drills. When it came to chow time the procedure was to get permission to enter the chow hall, walk in and take an immediate left (military style - pivoting on your left foot without letting your right arm swing out) and then march straight to the wall and hang a proper right and then stand heel to toe while waiting your turn to get your food. I intended to impress my DI one day, and I was determined to walk in and cut the squarest corners that he had ever seen. I hit every turn perfect and as I stood there in line heel to toe my DI came up to me and reminded me of one thing I had forgotten to do: "Airman Quint, what are you doing wearing your helmet in my chow hall!" He of course rode me for all I was worth and told me if I like wearing that helmet so much he didn't want to see it off my head for the next 24 hours. The next morning I had the worst crook in my neck, and to this day I take my hat off whenever I enter a restaurant!