I was drafted in the Army in the fall off 1954 and took the oath at Fort Hayes, Columbus, Ohio. We were bused to Fort Knox, Ky., for basic training, but Fort Knox had no space for us. They put us on a DC-3 cargo plane with pull-down seats headed for Fort Ord in California. Fort Ord had modern barracks on Monterey Bay.
During the first week of basic training we had an Inspector General inspection, and, to the surprise of our Company Commander, we did very well. We were given weekend passes for this effort. I got to see and visit Central California, including San Francisco and San Jose. This was a good break from basic training – the sandy marches on the beach, breaking cadence as we crossed the swing bridge over Highway 1, and using the firing range that overlooked Monterey Bay. After basic training, a few of us were selected for artillery at Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas. From Fort Bliss I was shipped to Europe to join a 280mm atomic cannon unit, 265 FA Bn in Baumholder, Germany, in the French Sector of the occupation of Germany after World War II. Being drafted for two years, I got to travel many miles and see great historical areas with friends I still have today.