I joined the U.S. Army in October 1969 as a Medical Rehabilitation Candidate (MEDREP) and was sent to Ft. Dix NJ, where I stayed October - March. For those who have never heard of the program, it was one that allowed selected people who were overweight or underweight and/or lacking body strength to join the Army. Selection was based upon many factors, with ASVAB scores being one. Basically what occurred was the Army allowed a person to enlist knowing they needed additional time and special training, with the hopes being to develop them physically into productive soldiers. My stay consisted of basic training for approximately 2 or 3 weeks, inpatient at the Ft. Dix hospital for a period of approximately one month and then off to Special Training Company for intense physical training and rehabilitation. The period spend in Special Training Company was approximately 3 months, and what I can only describe as pure hell. My military career lasted 23 years. I have since spent time looking on the internet for information about the program and training I attended and cannot find any. I know the program was real and I completed it. If anyone else has heard about the program or was a member of this, I would like to chat with you about it.