We have a New York veteran named Tommy Zurhellen who has just walked across America raising awareness about the plight of veterans. Zurhellen's focus is directed toward veteran suicide and veteran homelessness. He has walked over 2,866 miles in his most commended mission for veterans. He has raised over $45,000. Tommy said after his walk which ended in Poughkeepsie, New York, "The walk has ended, but the journey is just beginning." As a Navy veteran myself of the Vietnam era who once was homeless, and a member of American Legion Post 103 in Douglaston, New York, I applaud Navy veteran Tommy Zurhellen for his brave efforts talking to veterans all over America. He has made America aware of our veterans who gave their full measure of devotion and service to America. For that I salute fellow Navy veteran Tommy Zurhellen.
Frederick R. Bedell Jr.
Editors note:: Writer is a member of American Legion Post 103 and Grand Knight of St. Anastasia Knights of Columbus.