October 27, 2018: On a blustery rainy day, the Hero’s Circle Monument dedication took place under a large tent with a very thankful and excited crowd of about 150 guests. Thanks to efforts of the president of the Friends of Wareham Veterans Council, Inc, Bob Powilatis, Ted Hatch of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, along with their committee and fraternal organizations, a newly erected monument adorns the entrance to the Massachusetts National Cemetery.
The traffic circle previously known as the Otis Rotary is now officially called Hero’s Circle by legislation signed by the Governor of Massachusetts, Charles D. Baker, and with a proclamation declaring this day Hero’s Circle/Monument Awareness Day. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation will soon be erecting signs identifying this site.
This monument is engraved with the quotation “DEDICATED TO ALL WHO SERVED IN UNIFORM IN DEFENSE OF OUR NATION.” It now stands as a sentinel outside the entrance to the final resting place of thousands of military members and their families.
With this magnificent structure now in place, it should become one of the monuments to be visited nationwide.
Much thanks and gratitude from the committee goes out to the legislators and all involved, both financially and in donated services which made this possible, and in this they can be forever proud. Two quotes of the day stand out: Bob Powilatis said, “What is said here today will soon be forgotten but what was done here today will NEVER be forgotten.” Ted Hatch said, “It matters not what branch of service, officer or enlisted, career or reserve, you are all veterans.”