John E. Jacobs American Legion Post 68 (Leland) color guard members Ed Wojton, Jeff Harriman and Jamie Becker raise the American flag to celebrate the completion of repairs to Army veteran Fredrick Smith’s house. His home was damaged during Hurricane Florence. Purple Heart Homes (PHH) held the “Mission Complete Ceremony" at Smith's residence on March 6, 2023. Post 68 and Kobe Kelley of the Navy Seabee Veterans of America (NSVA), Island X-5, Cape Fear Chapter surveyed the extent of water damage caused to the house flooring as well as damage to some supporting underlying joists and kitchen cabinets and countertops. The veteran had taken it upon himself to attempt the repair process on his own. Attempts were first made by the veteran to seek assistance from VA, but he was unable to secure the needed assistance required in replacing flooring and damage to supporting joist and kitchen areas. Post 68 Service officer Lane Adrian, Post 68 member Kelley, and American Legion Post 543 Service Officer Steve Muir surveyed the damage and prepared a detailed floor diagram listing the total square footage of hardwood flooring required to replace the damage flooring throughout the home. Lowes Home Improvement Company in Southport, through their Hometown Hero's program, provided the flooring necessary for the main living areas. Lowes covered a good portion of the necessary repairs. The veteran’s house still needed a lot of materials and labor assistance in completing the task. PHH agreed to provide the additional assistance needed to restore the home with new flooring, kitchen cabinets and counters. PHH, Post 68 and Post 543, along with the SENCLAD Military Offices Association of America (MOAA), have contributed financial assistance to complete the project.
Veterans and our community helping veterans – what a great day!