The Sotoyome Post 111 Honor Team was started around the middle of 1920, according to the older members as best they can recall. The team has seen many new members join the team as the older ones had to retire. The only thing they are sure about is that the team was always there for the family of a deceased veteran. In 2019 the team performed 43 funerals for our deceased veterans, from all over Sonoma County. Team 111 does lots more than veteran funerals. They place flags and wreaths at three cemeteries. They provide a program on Veterans Day at Healdsburg Park and Windsor Town Green. They go to the local schools and teach students how to raise and lower the flag, then teach them the correct way to fold it. They participate in local parades and the "Home Town Hero" Program. From March 28-30, 2019, they provided around-the-clock security for the Vietnam traveling wall, "The Wall That Heals." They provided the flags and program for the groundbreaking for the "Veteran's Village" to be constructed in Windsor, Calif. Every year they provided the flags to start the Pearl Harbor program on Dec. 7. They are often requested to provide the flags for the schools that put on a program honoring our veterans.
Any time there is a request for the honor guard, Post 111 is ready to serve.