On March 25, 2014, Michael Chapman, Clallam County commissioner, presented the Clallam County's "Welcome Home, Vietnam Veterans Day" Proclamation to Norman Goodin, a local Army Vietnam Vietnam veteran and member of American Legion Post 29 Port Angeles, whose tireless efforts provided veterans with the chance for a proper welcome.
The proclamation declares March 30 as Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day for the state of Washington – the date the last combat troops withdrew from Vietnam.
Goodin and the Clallam County Veterans Association (CCVA) hosted a "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day" ceremony. Nearly 100 local veterans, veteran's families and supporters attended the ceremony. (See video link.)
"To the families of these great heroes and all of the men and women who served in Vietnam, thank you for loving a soldier, a sailor, an airman, a Marine or a Coast Guardsman.
"To all of the Vietnam veterans attending this ceremony today, I say to you something that all of your countrymen should have said to you a long time ago. Thank you for serving your country and 'Welcome Home.' Always remember where you came from, who you are and stand proud.
"We as veterans survived to keep this great country safe and free. I say to all of you, go live life, and be free. Thank you all for coming to this ceremony today and to all of you, 'Be safe.' ”
Norm Goodin