Orcutt Post 534, District 16, Department of California, took advantage of a great opportunity District 16 Commander John Velasquez established for us to speak with active duty personnel at Vandenberg Air Force Base in March. We were joined by members of District 16 Posts: 371, 211, 125 and 56 outside the Base Exchange at Vandenberg AFB on every Monday and Tuesday in March from 10 a.m. to noon.
As we engaged the personnel in conversations about The American Legion we found them often very receptive to hearing about the good work The American Legion has done since 1919 and continues to do, in support for all veterans. There were also a few opportunities to dispel inaccurate perceptions of the Legion. We shared some Legion history and explained key benefits of Legion membership to those on active duty.
During our visits to Vandenberg AFB in March seven new members were brought into the Orcutt Post 534 family. In the picture, standing between our District 16 Commander, John Velasquez, and Orcutt Post 534’s Americanism Chairman, Alan Munch, is one of our new Legionnaires, Dani Drazin, who attended Florida’s Girls State as a youth. Dani is a willing supporter of Legion programs and has agreed to serve on our Post 534 Public Relations Committee.
When District 16 returns to Vandenberg AFB in July, Orcutt Post 534 will be there. Being able to talk with the active duty personnel stationed at Vandenberg AFB is a great American Legion experience.