Bentley Trumble American Legion Post 442 of Horseheads, N.Y., to Center Street Elementary School for its annual Veterans Day Recognition held at the request of the principal of the school. Each year they invite the veterans of Chemung County to participate in a parade in the school halls to demonstrate to the students and staff the contributions our veterans have made for the freedoms they have the privilege to enjoy. Each veteran received a card from the school thanking them for their attendance and a picture of the group as a whole after the parade for those who have friends or relatives at the school; the students are allowed to meet with the respective veterans to have their picture taken with that veteran.
As commander of the post in Horseheads, I ask Post 442 to award the plaque for their continued recognition of the veterans in the area. The plaque was given to the school at the school board meeting and now has a place of prominence in the display case with other awards the school has received for the work they do.