Two members of Ruel Neal Post 79 (Le Roy, Ill.) were honored on Dec. 10, 2018. A ceremony was held for Harlan "Pop" Bottles for 73 years of continuous membership, and Charlie Price for 70 years of continuous membership.
"It is very rare for any member to achieve 70 years, and to have two members with 70-plus years is extremely rare," said Mark Young, Post 79 commander.
Both members received their 70-year membership pin and a plaque to honor their years of service. The plaque was specially
made to honor them and recognize the post's 100th Centennial. Performing the ceremony was 4th Division Sr. Vice Commander Ron Shapland and 17th District Past Commander Jimmy Nagel of the Department of Illinois. Assisting with the ceremony were Young, Sr. Vice Commander Pat Beaty, post adjutant James Simmons and sergeant at arms John Danilson.
Nearly 30 members of Post 79, Auxiliary Unit 79 and Squadron 79 were in attendance. Charlie Price's wife, Ann, also
attended the ceremony. Harlan Bottle's wife, Carol, was unable to attend (ill).