Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron 105, on Washington Avenue in Belleville, received a first-place award at the 2022 national convention in Milwaukee for “Snapshots of Service” in the category of veterans’ affairs. The award, presented to the squadron by one of NJ’s national delegates who attended the convention, is the first time the squadron has received national recognition for its efforts.
SAL Alternate National Executive Committeeman (ANEC) Henry Hasselhan of Atco attended the September monthly meeting in Belleville, where he presented the plaque from the national convention.
"I was very proud to accept the Snapshots of Service Award for Squadron 105 Belleville at the National Convention in Milwaukee”, stated Hasselhan. “Out of the three awards given out, New Jersey took two first prizes for picture submissions. The other was awarded to my own Squadron 311 in Waterford. Congratulations to both squadrons, on behalf of the Detachment of New Jersey Sons of The American Legion, for your prize-winning photo."
“Snapshots of Service” is a competition held by the national SAL organization wherein Sons of The American Legion squadrons are encouraged to enter the annual photo contest to promote the Sons’ programs … photos must represent one of the Four Pillars: Americanism, Children and Youth, National Security, or Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation.”
The photo submitted was taken by Detachment (state) of NJ Children and Youth Commission Chairman Rusty Myers for the ‘Cookies for our Vets’ program rolled out in April 2022. The program involved raising money to purchase Girl Scout cookies from the Scouts of the Nutley and Belleville area to give to veterans who are short- or long-term residents of VA facilities in NJ. It not only involved the Girl Scouts making the delivery, but also young SAL Jake Myers of Belleville Squadron 105 as well. In the end, the Scouts and Sons delivered over $1,000 of cookies to two VA locations.
“You guys deserve this …you guys work so hard … 105 is top notch,” remarked 2022 Detachment of NJ Commander Mark Natale. “Squadron 105 … united, dedicated, honorable and working hard for our veterans,” he continued.
Belleville Squadron 105’s Myers took the photo of his son Jake delivering cookies to the East Orange VA hospital. Still wearing his mask, as COVID was still a concern at VA facilities, Jake can be seen carrying a box of Tagalongs wearing his SAL garrison cap.