On June 25, 1950, I joined the Navy; it was the start of the Korean War. I served aboard an amphibious LST 840 in Korea and Japan from late 1950-1952. We made several landings in a combat zone unloading Marines and equipment, and on our return carried POWs back to POW camps. After Korea I went to Hospital Corps School and later was assigned to the Oak Knoll Naval Hospital where I served attending to wounded Marines. There I met my wife, who was a WAVE hospital corpsman working on the maternity wards. We were married in 1954. We have 3 daughters, 2 granddaughters and 6 great-grandkids. We soon will be celebrating our 68th anniversary. We both have graduate degrees, mine in medical science and my wife’s in education. As Korean War vets we will be visiting the war memorials in D.C., taking the San Francisco Bay Area Honor Flight.