My family has had the privilege of serving this country of ours since the Civil War. My great-great grandfather, A. Corcoran, served with the famed "Black Hats" of the 7th Wisconsin. My grandfather was an enlistee serving 12 years during and after World War I with the 4th Wisconsin Cavalry. My dad, Cpt. S.J. Todryk, was a Marine Corps fighter pilot flying Corsairs in the Pacific in 1944-1945 with the 2nd MAW. I was an enlistee in both the Army and Air Force in Vietnam 1968-1970, with an additional eight years in the USAR. My oldest don, M.J. Todryk, Cpt. and Purple Heart recipient,(Bosnia), is a West Point grad who served eight years active, 1994-2002, most recently with the 3rd ACR.
One of my daughters was an enlistee in the Air Force from 1995-1999, who served as a FAC and toured as an entertainer with the Tops in Blue Troop. My youngest son, A.R. Todryk, served as an enlistee in the Air Force from 2007-2011, and in Iraq in 2009 with the 52nd fighter wing.
We are all proud to have served.
M. Todryk, Post 1207