Lyme Team on first baseline, Cape Vincent on third baseline. Picture by Debbie Aubertine, wife of Legionnaire, Scott Aubertine


John C. Londraville American Legion Post 832 recruits through Pee Wee Baseball Sponsorships

Cape Vincent , NY

On June 3, 2024, the John C. Londraville American Legion Post 832 held a pregame ceremony between the Town of Lyme and Cape Vincent Pee Wee Baseball teams. For the first time ever, the Town of Lyme was also sponsored by the post in an effort to recruit Lyme veterans and their families. The post’s district has always included the Town of Lyme, but efforts were never made to encourage involvement.

Additionally, the post has adopted a new logo to include the two villages within the Town of Lyme. Both uniforms have the new logo on them. Many people from both communities attended the event. It was a huge success!

Two veterans, one from Cape Vincent and one from Lyme, simultaneously threw out the first pitch to their respective catchers while each team lined up along the baselines. Both coaches said that the event created a great atmosphere for their teams, who weren't used to playing before such a large crowd.

Veterans at the pitcher’s mound. Picture by Debbie Aubertine

Lyme Pee Wee Team Picture by Debbie Aubertine

Cape Vincent Pee Wee Team Picture by Debbie Aubertine

New Legion Logo Submitted by Joe Chavoustie
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