American Legion Post 22 spent 12 days from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. recruiting new members, SAL and Auxiliary to the post. They also collected donations for the Christmas Food Basket fund to take to young and families in need; the Thornton and Northglenn police departments of Colorado will be giving names as well as members who know others in need. The recruiting goes on the entire year through a post group that has become very well-known by the Legion and others by word of mouth. They are called Vets Helping Vets Inc., and they help vets filing for disabilities and all other veterans benefits. they save the American Legion national service officer a lot of time by making sure they have everything ready to go to file a claim, and they save them time by handling general questions and issues like funeral benefits, schooling, and home loans, helping them in starting upgrades of the DD 214, replacing and correcting, and many other needs. But the big thing they work at is telling all vets the advantage of being an American Legion member and about the Four Pillars of the Legion.
They work with hospice chaplains and homes. The Post 22 honor guard does many funerals and ceremonies. They travel many miles and put in many hours; they are a very proud group. They have accounted for over 52 of them in the last 5 months. This post works as a very large family with five chaplains in the five groups. The Post 22 Legion Riders are out doing poker runs, but they were big in getting Lowes Hardware and Appliance to help fix vets in need's homes. With the Legion chaplain, they will be running toys to the childrens hospital, and collecting clothing for vets. The post did Thanksgiving pre-cooked dinners for vets in need and will be doing the Christmas baskets that is done every year. Vets Helping Vets helped a family that had lost the head of the family (vet). They did the funeral, and the honor guard helped with the rifle volleys, Taps and the honor bell. They do many things for the city of Northglenn: the Halloween donation, the Veterans Day celebration. and twice a year they do the cold war vets in Westminster. This post never will say no. They also have the VTF, the vets tobacco fund of Colorado, where they help vets.