The executive committee of Post 42 started the new year by upgrading the yard of a senior citizen of OS by clearling the yard and installing a security fence on Robinson street. Erika Blackely who lives with her 80 plus year old mother had security concerns . Carl King Post activities chairman obtained donation of a fence and Legion labor installed the fence where city could not help because it was private property. One of the wishes of Post 42 Executive Committee is where possible serve the public and save tax payer money. There is a synergy between the American Legion carried over from 2016 as a result of the cooperation of Pershing Square where the Post and city public works, the Mary C and city officials successfully dedicated Pershing Square in front of the Mary C. Funds over and above expenses were returned to the city the day of the dedication April 9, 2016 and the few engraved bricks honoring veterans placed after that date went to the Post building fund. Post 42 supported the National Centennial of World War I by submitting an entry to the national competition. The national committee is using Post 42 submittal as an example to all other entrees nationwide of how to successfully submit to the competition. In October, 2016 the first Veterans Day parade was held in Ocean Springs in several years the first annual event with city officials, police and fire department participating. Senior citizens from nearby care facilities were treated as honored guests. Post 42 will continue to support our youth as they have in the past with an oratorical contest .This past year a boy from Mississippi won the national contest and $18,000, several hundred dollars were awarded to other Mississippi students 9th to 12th grade. Support Eagle scouts, Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). The designation "Eagle Scout" was founded over one hundred years ago. Only four percent of Boy Scouts are granted this rank after a lengthy review process. Support High School JR ROTC and Boys State. The American Legion Boys' State is not meant to take the place of Civics or Government, as they are taught in the high schools of the state, but is planned so that young men may put into actual practice the theories of Government through actual participation in city, county, and state governments organized as a "Mythical 51st State." The entire program is non-partisan and will not reference any existing political party. Only young men who are in the 11th grade and in the upper third of their class will be eligible to attend. The purpose of this is that young men in the 11th grade will have one more year in their respective high schools, and will be in a position to furnish leadership not only in their schools but also in their communities during the year. AMERICAN Flag presentations to first graders in all elementary school public and private schools in Jackson County , several thousand small flags have been given out in conjunction with the 40 & 8 . Post 42 looks forward to enhancing our community along with the city of Ocean Springs. The Post continues its search for a permanent home and has established a building fund, veterans come join us and spread PATRIOTISM in our community.