A groundbreaking ceremony for the Oregon Vietnam War Memorial on the State Capitol Grounds, Phase 1, occurred on March 29, 2024, following the 2024 Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day ceremony. The groundbreaking took place in Willson Park, approximately one block to the west of the Oregon State Capitol, before a large and enthusiastic group of veterans, legislators, state government executives, memorial designers, construction workers and public supporters.
A “shovel brigade,” made up of 13 people, which included veteran service organization leaders, state legislators, executives of state government and memorial design principals, were honored with conducting the groundbreaking with golden-bladed shovels. The ceremony included five shovel-turns, one for each military branch that served in Vietnam.
On hand to witness the proceedings was Oregon artist Libby Carruth of Portland. Her commissioned work, a sculpture titled, “A Soldier's Return," will be a part of the Phase 1 development. This bronze sculpture will portray the struggles of returning Vietnam warriors. Carruth has begun sculpting the bronze which will be completed and installed this coming October, with a dedication to follow on Veterans Day 2024.
The American Legion Department of Oregon endorsed the Vietnam War Memorial effort through resolution (M-23-02), presented and passed at the 2023 Oregon Department Convention in North Bend. Steve Bates, Oregon Vietnam War Memorial Fund (OVWMF) president, made a presentation at the 2023 Oregon Department Convention and plans are in the works for OVWMF to be at the 2024 convention again.
In addition to the Department of Oregon endorsement, several financial donations have been made by American Legion Family chartering organizations: American Legion posts, American Legion Auxiliary units, Sons of the American Legion squadrons, American Legion Riders chapters and the Oregon American Legion Foundation, as well as individual members.
The OVWMF is a charitable organization with the expressed purpose of generating funds through cash and in-kind donations for the design and construction of a Vietnam War Memorial on the Oregon State Capitol Grounds that will provide educational opportunities for future generations.
For more information on the Oregon Vietnam War Memorial, navigate to https://ocvvm.com
For additional details on Phase 1 designs go to https://ocvvm.com/column-wall-phase