Every year for over 50 years, the local American Legion Auxiliary unit has sponsored a Memorial Window to honor our community's fallen. Three generations of the Wortman family have allowed their business' window to display a white cross for each fallen military community member. It started after WWI. One of the Wortman sons was lost in combat. He was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. There were other local boys who did not come home. Over the course of the years, crosses were added after WWII, Korea, Vietnam and the recent Mideast conflicts. Community members pause as they pass the window. Sometimes they are looking for a specific cross. Sometimes they are remembering the lives of young men and women lost. They remember the cars they drove, the ballgames they played in, the promise of lives not lived. The window display appears every year mid-May, and disappears early in June. That is the magic of Ken Wilson. Although not a vet himself, he honors the lost by managing our window display. Ken has done this for over 25 years.