On Sept. 17, 2007, Lowhill Township (Pa.) dedicated a memorial to honor the fallen. It is a beautiful black granite monument, made from the same piece of granite as the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C.
There was only one name on this monument, that of our son, Cpt. Mark T. Resh, July 22, 1978 - Jan. 28, 2007, Silver Star recipient.
I was surprised to see only our son's name, but questioned why there were no others, as surely there must have been someone killed in action from a previous war. I was told: "That Lowhill Township was basically a farming community and any man probably would have received an exclusion, that it was more important for them to provide food for the troops, rather than serve on the front line."
The monument is located at the township municipal building, by a flagpole that
has a brass placard on it that reads: Mark Resh, Eagle project, 1995.