Local Air Force JROTC presented colors to kick things off.


John J. Morris Post 62 represented at Centennial High salute to service

Peoria, AZ

On Friday, Sept. 13, John J. Morris Post 62 was represented and recognized by Centennial High School's salute to service. It was to honor first responders and our military. There were police and fire, along with active-duty and veterans from two American Legion posts. The local JROTC presented colors as the band played the national anthem. The active-duty Army handled the coin flip as all veterans went to the 50-yard line for it. Active-duty Navy presented the football to the referee. The standing ovation from the stands was humbling. When we got back to the sidelines all six veterans in attendance were presented with a helmet from the football team. Great to see that support from our local school.

The six veterans were presented helmets from the football team.

Thank you, Centennial Coyotes, for your support of first responders and military.
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